Raised Flooring Systems

Premium Access Floors Installations Nationwide!

If you’re looking to route mechanical services and cables, wiring, and electrical supplies or optimize your facilities, access flooring systems, and our company, Access Computer Floors, are the way to go.

We can provide holistic infrastructure solutions by installing foolproof access floors at competitive prices. Top companies like the US Postal Service, AT&T, Delta Dental, Dupont, NOAA, NBC, Verizon, and UBS prefer our access floors services available nationwide. Get in touch with us or learn more about our solutions below!

Premium Access Floors Installations Nationwide!

How & Why Access Floors Work?

Our prestigious clients have relied on our premium access floor solutions for more than four decades, and you can, too, for all your particular needs.

Raised flooring systems, also called access floors, are an elevated flooring solution that creates a void or empty space for the passage of mechanical and electrical objects. The space created can accommodate your tech or HVAC equipment and even allow a person to move below the floor for multiple purposes.

These systems consist of several panels mounted on vertical pedestals. The pedestals are fixed on the understructure, separating them from the panels. The gap between the floor and the panels can have multiple heights, from 3 to even 6 inches, allowing people to stand if required.

Access Floors Solutions: Installations Nationwide!

Versatile & Professional

Raised floors are used in many industries, not just tech. Regardless of your field, the most important thing when getting raised floors for your business’ facilities is to look for the best company. Thankfully, our MBE-certified solutions are available in every state. We provide the most complete systems with multiple high-quality products and work so that you always get customized access floors.

Just like raised flooring systems are versatile for various purposes in different industries, every element of a raised flooring system comes in multiple materials and options. Each of these is best suited for a specific use. Using the right guarantees your access floors last and resist the heavy loads. Here are some of the industries we service:

High-tech environments

Microelectronic Facilities

Ecommunication Centers

Smart Offices

Offshore Drilling Platforms

Clean Rooms


Conference Areas

General Offices

Pharmaceutical Facilities

Exhibit spaces

Computer Rooms

Internet Service Providers

Open Office Areas

At Access Computer Floors, we’ll design, source, and install the best solution for our clients, making the most out of their budget with our high-quality guarantee. All you have to do is let us know your needs!

Contact Us Today!

From the moment you call us, we can quickly schedule and deliver our top-grade access flooring solutions and always get it right the first time, saving precious time and money. Call (201) 594-1292 today!